I have a template:
<script type="text/template" id="data-user">{{.User}}</script>
Where "User" is json string in URL encoding format. Something like
But default html/template put it inside quotes like
I tried that stuff from html/template godoc reference
Context {{.}} After
{{.}} O'Reilly: How are <i>you</i>?
<a title='{{.}}'> O'Reilly: How are you?
<a href="/{{.}}"> O'Reilly: How are %3ci%3eyou%3c/i%3e?
<a href="?q={{.}}"> O'Reilly%3a%20How%20are%3ci%3e...%3f
<a onx='f("{{.}}")'> O\x27Reilly: How are \x3ci\x3eyou...?
<a onx='f({{.}})'> "O\x27Reilly: How are \x3ci\x3eyou...?"
<a onx='pattern = /{{.}}/;'> O\x27Reilly: How are \x3ci\x3eyou...\x3f
But I haven't had success. Appreciate your help
Thank you! I found solution. There are template.JS type. I converted string to template.JS and it works.
See this example:
Try these on the Go Playground.