I'm trying to do an unbelievably simple thing: load parts of an Excel worksheet into a Numpy array. I've found a kludge that works, but it is embarrassingly unpythonic: say my worksheet was loaded as "ws", the code:
A = np.zeros((37,3))
for i in range(2,39):
for j in range(1,4):
A[i-2,j-1]= ws.cell(row = i, column = j).value
loads the contents of "ws" into array A.
There MUST be a more elegant way to do this. For instance, csvread allows to do this much more naturally, and while I could well convert the .xlsx file into a csv one, the whole purpose of working with openpyxl was to avoid that conversion. So there we are, Collective Wisdom of the Mighty Intertubes: what's a more pythonic way to perform this conceptually trivial operation?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
PS: I operate Python 2.7.5 on a Mac via Spyder, and yes, I did read the openpyxl tutorial, which is the only reason I got this far.
If you don't need to load data from multiple files in an automated manner, the package
I recently wrote may help. Just copy and paste the relevant cells from the excel file into a multiline string and use theconvert()
You could do
EDIT - further explanation. (firstly thanks for introducing me to openpyxl, I suspect I will use it quite a bit from time to time)
or a list comprehension as aboveThe advantages of doing it my way are: no need to work out the dimension of the array and make an empty one to start with, no need to work out the corrected index number of the np array, list comprehensions faster. Disadvantage is that it needs the "corners" defining in "A1" format. If the range isn't know then you would have to use iter_rows, rows or columns
if you don't know how many columns then you will have to loop and check values more like your original idea