I have the following C code with a zero-terminated array of function pointers:
#include <stdio.h>
void hello_register(void) {
printf("hello_register called\n");
void (*vlog_startup_routines[])() = {
This code is compiled and linked to my Rust program using a Cargo build script. How can I call each of the function pointers in the array from Rust?
The problem here is that
is not a pointer. If you declare it as a pointer; it is an array. The symbol resolves to the address of the first item of the array. In C, if you have:then at the linker level, the symbol
is the address of the location containing the value 7,a
is also the address of a location containing an integer value (8), andp
is the address of a location containing a pointer to an integer. Another way of saying it is that the linker symbol is always the address of the variable.If you declare it as:
you're saying that
is a variable containing a function pointer, more like the Cvoid *vlog_startup_routines
.it's dereferencing taking the value stored at the address
, which is indeed the first pointer.The correct (nearly) code is:
Note that I use
Option<extern "C" fn()>
for the nullable function pointer as described here.This outputs, for me:
The reason I say "nearly" is that I'm not sure how to say it's an unknown-sized array. :-)
A combination of the previous two answers looks nicer:
The symbol
is not a pointer to a function pointer, it's an array of function pointers. When you use the namevlog_startup_routines
in C code, the array lvalue is coerced to a pointer. That doesn't mean that the variable stores a pointer!To most closely express this in Rust, we can define
as an array. The problem is that we don't know how many elements are in the array because it's NULL-terminated. To prevent any accidental misuse, we set the length to zero and only access elements though offsets of the raw pointer.We use
Option<extern "C" fn()>
for the nullable function pointer as described in the FFI chapter of The Rust Programming Language.You can call a single function pointer easily enough:
However, note that we and the C compiler are doing some trickery here: the array and the first element of the array have the same value:
To work around this, we grab a reference to the initial function and then use that to iterate though each of the function pointers. I've renamed
just to prevent any accidental misuse of it.This all feels pretty janky, so I wouldn't be surprised if there were a better solution available, but this does work.