Please see the code below:
public class Test : ITest
public ITest2 _iTest2;
public int _id;
public string _name;
public Test(ITest2 test2)
_iTest2 = test2;
public interface ITest
public class Test2 : ITest2
public interface ITest2
public class Test3 : ITest3
public int _id;
public string _name;
public interface ITest3
I have the following in my Global.asax:
Mapper.Initialize(m =>
m.CreateMap<DataLayer.Test3, BusinessLayer.Test>().ConstructUsing(opt => new BusinessLayer.Test(new BusinessLayer.Test2()));
I can map the types in my client app doing this:
cfg.CreateMap<DataLayer.Test3, BusinessLayer.Test>().ConstructUsing(opt => new BusinessLayer.Test(new BusinessLayer.Test2()));
How can I map the types using Castle Windsor instead of having to use the new keyword for Test and Test2?
I read another answer and someone suggested doing this:
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
// container.Register(Types.FromAssembly(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()).BasedOn<IValueResolver>());
var profiles = container.ResolveAll<Profile>();
// Add your list of profiles to the mapper configuration here
Mapper.Initialize(m => {
profiles.ToList().ForEach(p => m.AddProfile(p));
// I'm not sure about this as I haven't used AutoMapper for a while,
// but I assume you want to resolve the static mapper instance
Do I have to do this:
cfg.CreateMap<DataLayer.Test3, BusinessLayer.Test>().ConstructUsing(opt => new BusinessLayer.Test(new BusinessLayer.Test2()));
or should AutoMapper be able to map the types using this:
cfg.CreateMap<DataLayer.Test3, BusinessLayer.Test>()
In order to get AutoMapper to use Windsor to create the target type, you need to configure two things:
Tell AutoMapper (per-mapping) to actually use the above configuration
For anyone requiring this using xamarin 3.6, prism 7.1 and automapper 8.1, this is what worked for me.
In the App.xml.cs file
The mapper provider looks like this:
Now my custom resolvers works, for example:
The hard parts to work out here were how to specify that the containerRegistry needed to be passed into the constructor of the MapperProvider. There may be a better way of doing this but at least this works.
Also arriving at the line
cfg.ConstructServicesUsing(t => _container.GetContainer().Resolve(t));
was quite obscure as there seem to be few examples out there.