I have a Excel sheet that looks like this. |A1|B1| "BLANK" |D1|E1|F1| I.e. only the first row is populated and the third column is blank. I parse this in C# using interop.excel in the following way:
Excel.Application exApp = OpenExcel();
String mySheet = @"C:\c#\rapport.xlsx";
Excel.Workbook wb = exApp.Workbooks.Open(mySheet);
Excel.Worksheet ws = wb.Sheets[1];
Excel.Range row = ws.Rows[1];
I create a new range only containing the non-empty cells in row 1 by
Excel.Range rng = row.SpecialCells(Excel.XlCellType.xlCellTypeConstants);
Now: if I use rng.Select
all the non-empty cells in my sheet is selected. And if I use rng.Count
it will return 5, which is the number of non-empty cells in my sheet. But still when I print cell by cell using:
It shows that rng[1, 1-2] contains "A1 and B1", this is nice. But rng[1, 3] is empty or null. And rng[1, 4-7] contains D1-F1.
How is this possible?
My main goal is to store all non-empty values in a string array. But I can't select the right values because my range rng is both empty and non-empty is some weird way.
This solved it! However I didn't use the .Item method to store the values as Rory suggested suggested. Thnx Rory!
Try using:
to be sure your Range excludes formatted but empty cells.
Another try could be to get :