Is there a way with the jquery datatables plugin to hide (and show) a table column?
I figured out how to reload the table data: using fnClearTable
and fnAddData
But my issue is that in one of my views for the table (e.g. a hidden mode) I don't want to show certain columns.
Hope this will help you. I am using this solution for Search on some columns but i don't want to display them on frontend.
With the api you can use
Look this info:
enter link description here
You can hide columns by this command:
Where first parameter is index of column and second parameter is visibility.
Via: - function fnSetColumnVis
take look at my solution
I have this HTML
table Head
and my
Ajax request
returned something like thisso I want to hide Id index [0] and RegistrationStatusId index [5]
I hope this would help you
Note: the accepted solution is now outdated and part of legacy code. The solutions might not be appropriate for those working with the newer versions of DataTables (its legacy now) For the newer solution: you could use:
alternatives you could implement a button: look at the last option under the link provided that allows having a button that could toggle column visibility.