I am trying to calculate the closest distance between locations in the ocean and points on land but not going through a coastline. Ultimately, I want to create a distance to land-features map.
This map was created using rdist.earth and is a straight line distance. Therefore it is not always correct because it not taking into account the curvatures of the coastline.
c<-matrix(coast_lonlat[,1], 332, 316, byrow=T)
image(1:316, 1:332, t(c))
for(q in 1:nrow(coast_lonlat)){
diff_lonlat <- rdist.earth(matrix(coast_lonlat[q,2:3],1,2),as.matrix(feature[,1:2]), miles = F)
min_dist2_feature<-c(min_dist2_feature, min(diff_lonlat,na.rm=T))
distmat <- matrix( min_dist2_feature, 316, 332)
image(1:316, 1:332, distmat)
Land feature data is a two column matrix of xy coordinates, e.g.:
ant_x <- c(85, 90, 95, 100)
ant_y <- c(-68, -68, -68, -68)
feature <- cbind(ant_x, ant_y)
Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks
Not fully errorchecked yet but it may get you started. Rather than coastlines, I think you need to start with a raster whose the no-go areas are set to NA.
Seems to be working because the left side ocean has higher values than the right side ocean, and likewise as you go down into the Ross Sea.