I'm developing a JAX-WS WebService and I currently need to define a custom Binding
name, since it gets defined as the Port name with "Binding" appended to it.
E.g.: If the Port name is MyJAXService the Binding name is going to be MyJAXServiceBinding by default. What I wanted was for the Binding name to be something else like MyJAXService.
My web service has the @WebService annotation defined as follows
@WebService(serviceName = "MyJAXService", portName = "MyJAXService", endpointInterface = "com.test.MyJAXService", targetNamespace = "http://test.local/")
I suppose that you are using the Java to WSDL approach so, you want to generate the WSDL from your artifacts.
I usually use the other approach, WSDL to Java and, for a WSDL like:
The artifacts generated are, an interface:
and the implementation:
I guess that you can try to give a name to the interface of the web service and the WSDL generated should use that name as the Binding name.
Make a WDSL you like, run wsdl2java, see which sn@ils are turn up on the generated code, use them.