I'm attempting to generate a breed-owned variable which draws it's values from a random beta distribution in Netlogo.
I've found the "bc" code example online but am struggling to adapt it to what I need. Right now, for convenience, I've generate my distribution from a random-normal distribution using
create-breed 500
set target_factor random-normal 0.9 0.05
if target_factor > 1 [set target_factor 0.9999999999]
if target_Factor < 0.5 [set target_factor 0.5000000001]
So basically I'd like to get a reporter that can replace the "random-normal 0.9 0.05" part with a random beta distribution
I got so far as:
to-report random_beta
set asocial_alpha 2
set asocial_beta 2
set asocial_min_eps 0
set asocial_max_eps 0.25
let x random-gamma asocial_alpha 1
let asocial_eps (x / (x + random-gamma asocial_beta 1))
set asocial_eps asocial_min_eps + (asocial_eps * (asocial_max_eps - asocial_min_eps))
foreach ( n-values 99 [ (? + 1) / 100 * (asocial_max_eps - asocial_min_eps) + asocial_min_eps] )
[report ? ( ((? - asocial_min_eps) ^ (asocial_alpha - 1) * (asocial_max_eps - ?) ^ (asocial_beta - 1)) / ( asocial_max_eps - asocial_min_eps ) ^ (asocial_alpha + asocial_beta - 1) )]
all of the 'set' variables here are global factors
I'm honestly out of my depth with this one mathematically. If anyone can help me fix this reporter (or if a procedure would work that's fine too). so my final code for breed creation is:
create-breed 500
set target_factor random-beta
if target_factor > 1 [set target_factor 0.9999999999]
if target_Factor < 0.5 [set target_factor 0.5000000001]
I would be eternally grateful!!
The rngs extension provides a random beta distribution (among many others). You can find it here: https://github.com/NetLogo/NetLogo/wiki/Extensions.