I am new for crystal report server. Here I'm explaining error details.
I'm using SAP Business Objects CMC for report generation for my application. Below is the version details in image.
When I try to generate report file with more than 1MB of file size it is throwing below error.
The viewer could not process an event. 1c84865dce535c5.pdf File is too large for attachment. [] ---- Error code:0 [CRWEB00000119]
So, I went to following location to check the maximumUploadFileSize
1. C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\tomcat\webapps\dswsbobje\WEB-INF\classes\dsws.properties
2. C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\warfiles\webapps\dswsbobje\WEB-INF\classes\dsws.properties
3. C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\java\pjs\container\work\<ServerName>.WebApplicationContainerServer\businessobjects\dswsbobje\WEB-INF\classes\dsws.properties
#Security measure to limit total upload file size
maximumUploadFileSize = 10485760
It is setted to 10485760 (10 MB)
, As per my understanding this is default size from this Reference Document.
So, if it is supporting upto 10 MB why it is throwing error when report file exceed 1MB
And I tried to increase the size by multiple's of 10
, meaning 104857600 (100 MB)
in all this files, and restarted the server. But with out success, after restarting the server the modified value in third file is again setting to old value (10485760)
. Please help me in this.
Is there any way to increase maximumUploadFileSize
through administrator console?
Please drop your comments, if you have any questions/doubts regarding this.
This issue can be resolved by following steps.
Actually this issue is related to number of records which are trying to generate as report in crystal report server. The default record data size limit is
. By changing the limit into0 (for Unlimited)
we can able to resolve this issue.Follow below steps to do this setting changes:
Now try to generate the large data pdf file, it should work fine.