method won't get called when we switch between fragments more than one time. So, is there any better way to handle resume operation?
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You could do resume work by provide a
method on everyfragment
when page selected, I give you a example:and then you write your
like this:You can simply simulate onResume() for each fragment by using an interface!!!
1- create an interface named FragmentLifecycle , the code is as follows:
2- Let each Fragment implement the interface:
3- Implement interface methods in each fragment:
4- Call interface methods on ViewPager page change:
I think, I have found the answer. Here is the link which will force
of the fragment to be called every time the fragment becomes visible.Fragments onResume from back stack
Code follows:
Step: 1
Create Interface:
Step: 2
Attach Listner In setOnPageChangeListener:
Step: 3
Implement Interface In Your Fragment:
Implement this listner in all yor fragment activity
this method call during Fragment switching.Thanks.
You can try this,
Step1: Override the Tabselected method in your activity
Step 2: Using static method do what you want in your fragment,
I have solved this problem using fragment Override method :
Note: In the Viewpager first fragment setUserVisibleHint called before onCreateView so you need to handle this.
handle setUserVisibleHint called before onCreateView in Fragment