I can use the Network tab in the Google Chrome Web Inspector to debug the network traffic (AJAX requests, etc.). I can check what data is transferred easily. But Websocket connections only show as
Request URL:ws://localhost/...
Request Method:GET
Status Code:101 Switching Protocols
and I can't see the transferred data. Is there any build in feature in Google Chrome to inspect the transferred data? Or do I need to use Wireshark?
PS: I'm using the latest stable version (16.0.912.75). If a newer version (beta/dev) has this features, it would be nice.
Chrome and Chromium now have WebSocket message frame inspection. Here are the steps to test it quickly:
I also posted the steps with screen shots and video.
After some more research I found a duplicate question here: Debugging WebSocket in Google Chrome
Chrome does't support viewing the traffic in the current stable version. I need to use Wireshark.
Another Idea, for simple web socket testing and lightweight, use Chrome plugin "Simple Web-socket. I wanted to check only if the connection can be establish or not. Following Chrome plugin "Simple Web-socket (link : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/simple-websocket-client/pfdhoblngboilpfeibdedpjgfnlcodoo?hl=en)" work like charm. See image.