I have a Dictionary<String,String>
as follows
Dictionary<String, String> MyDict = new Dictionary<String, String>();
and which contains
MyDict.Add("A", "1010");
MyDict.Add("B", "1011");
MyDict.Add("C", "1110");
MyDict.Add("D", "1010");
MyDict.Add("E", "1011");
MyDict.Add("F", "1010");
I need to Compare the Dictionary Values
and then to add the key
s which all having same values
here is My resulting Dictionary
Dictionary<String, List<String>> MyResultDict = new Dictionary<String, List<String>>();
And My code
var XXX = MyDict.ToLookup(X => X.Value, X => X.Key);
MyResultDict = MyDict.ToDictionary(X => X.Key, X => XXX[X.Value].ToList());
The above code will produce the result like
{ "A" { "A" , "D", "F" } }
{ "B" { "B" , "E" } }
{ "C" { "C" } }
{ "D" { "A" , "D", "F" } }
{ "E" { "B" , "E" } }
{ "F" { "A" , "D", "F" } }
But my solution is having two problem
There exist Duplicate value list ( for the keys
.)The Value List includes the key.
The Expected OutPut is like
{ "A" { "D", "F" } }
{ "B" { "E" } }
i.e There is no need of key C
because C
's value is not repeated anywhere.
and there is no need to include keys D , E and F
because its already included in A
's and B
's value lists.
How to do this using Linq
or Lambda Expression
This should do it:
The key here (if you'll forgive the pun) is the GroupBy method - it collects together elements of an enumeration based on your comparison. Once you've done that, it's a simple case of removing the singletons and converting the remaining elements to a new Dictionary.
or possibly a bit simpler: