What is the best way to implement module pattern, while the module code depends on third party libraries like jQuery for example?
var someModule = (function(){
//private attributes
var privateVar = 5;
//private methods
var privateMethod = function(){
return 'Private Test';
return {
//public attributes
publicVar: 10,
//public methods
publicMethod: function(){
return ' Followed By Public Test ';
//let's access the private members
getData: function(){
//make ajax call and do some processing and generate output
return privateMethod() + this.publicMethod() + privateVar;
})(); //the parens here cause the anonymous function to execute and return
My question is: I am planning to put all the code in a library like fashion in a javascript file.
As you see in the getData()
method, I plan to make ajax calls. I want to use jQuery library for this. Now how do I code a javascript module, while relying on jQuery ?
Should I make my whole library a jQuery plugin instead?
You can try something like this:
Just make sure
is included before this code is executed.A great tutorial/example can be found here or here. I know this isn't the module pattern, but it offers the same benefits of the revealing module pattern along with allowing you to extend the namespace across files if needed. Below is the code from that example.