I remember seeing the palette in Spring Tool Suite (long time back) to design the Spring Integration work flow which I cannot find in Spring Tool Suite 4.x. Can someone tell me if it is available as a separate add-on or how do I enable it?
I remember seeing the palette in Spring Tool Suite (long time back) to design the Spring Integration work flow which I cannot find in Spring Tool Suite 4.x. Can someone tell me if it is available as a separate add-on or how do I enable it?
See the answer to this question and associated comments.
It is not currently available in STS 4.x, although, as stated by Martin Lippert there, the 3.9.x tooling can still be installed.
Bear in mind that it was limited to a single XML configuration file and many modern Spring Integration applications use Spring Boot auto-configuration and the Java DSL which cannot be rendered by the graph; Spring Integration now provides a runtime graph that can be rendered by a number of tools and works with any configuration technology.