Whenever I try to remove the anonymous: ~
configuration in security.yml, The system ends up returning an Error 310: Redirect loop.
This is the config so far:
pattern: ^/
#anonymous: ~
check_path: /login_check
login_path: /login
path: /logout
Try this:
See the doc http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/security.html#book-security-common-pitfalls
Be sure the login page isn't secure
Also, be sure that the login page does not require any roles to be viewed. For example, the following configuration - which requires the ROLE_ADMIN role for all URLs (including the /login URL), will cause a redirect loop:
Removing the access control on the /login URL fixes the problem:
Also, if your firewall does not allow for anonymous users, you'll need to create a special firewall that allows anonymous users for the login page: