I'd like to stub https
call using webmock
Let's assume gateway url as https://some_gateway.com
After doing:
stub_request(:post, 'https://some_gateway.com').with(body: {})
in specs.
I use Net::HTTP to generate request:
Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse('https://some_gateway.com'), {})
I receive problem because Webmock expects https://some_gateway.com
but receives version with added port 433 so: http://www.secure.fake-payment.com:443/gateway_prod
so can't see registered stub.
How can I deal with this behavior ?
Take a look at the answer for this question: WebMock: Rspec - Test Facebook Validation by using JSON response
Your code will do
request with port 443 vs doing reallyhttps
And here you can find the answer how to do
request using Net::HTTP Using Net::HTTP.get for an https url