I have a plugin reference to proguard in a multi-module maven project.
The functionality of my project is fully tested and works...until I add proguard.
Structure of my Project
- module-b has a dependency on module-a.
- module-a and module-b are both installed to my local maven repository.
- tester has dependencies on both module-a and module-b.
- My proguard.conf file is next to the parent-pom pom.xml file on the file system.
- I configure proguard in both module-a and module-b pom.xml files.
My proguard config looks like so:
I have the added complexity that my project is using GSON to deserialise some incoming JSON from an external component I have no control over.
Executing proguard as part of the build causes the GSON code to throw NullPointerExceptions
The code that is effected by proguard is:
Gson gson = new Gson();
Type collectionType = new TypeToken<ArrayList<MyType>>(){}.getType();
ArrayList<MyType> myTypes = gson.fromJson(json, collectionType);
If proguard is commented out in my pom files (so it doesn't execute), this code (and the rest of my project) works like a charm.
How can I configure proguard to obsfuscate my code but not break the functionality? Is this possible with a multimodule project?
Does anyone out there know how to configure proguard for a multimodule maven project?
NB: I have already tried this and it seemed to make no difference to the outcome.
I eventually got this working by:
..and it worked!