What's the best way to set Time.now
for the purpose of testing time-sensitive methods in a unit test?
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Do the time-warp
time-warp is a library that does what you want. It gives you a method that takes a time and a block and anything that happens in the block uses the faked time.
I allways extract
into a separate method that I turn intoattr_accessor
in the mock.i just have this in my test file:
and in my Time_helper.rb file i have a
so when testing the time_right_now is overwritten to use what ever time you want it to be.
If you have ActiveSupport included, you could use http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/Testing/TimeHelpers.html
Don't forget that
is merely a constant that refers to a class object. If you're willing to cause a warning, you can always doPersonally I prefer to make the clock injectable, like so:
However, many prefer to use a mocking/stubbing library. In RSpec/flexmock you can use:
Or in Mocha: