Im working on a JSF file where I have a javascript function, and some jquery involved
in this.
I have designed a dialog with two button: 1) Ok and 2) Cancel.
I have designed it in such a way that the Cancel button will abort the process,
and there is no problem with that.
But, what I want to accomplish is that when the user presses Ok then the program
should call a backing bean(java bean) method,
Have anyone of you been able to manage this?
Thankful for all your help & tip
To the point, you need to let jQuery trigger the click event on the HTML representation of a JSF
. You could if necessary hide the form/button with CSSdisplay:none
This is however somewhat clumsy. Why not just using the
directly as "OK" button? Further, reinventing jQuery based components for JSF may in long term be a pain. Have you looked at for example PrimeFaces to save yourself the headache and boilerplate code? It is using jQuery and jQuery UI under the covers already. See also e.g.<p:confirmDialog>
showcase.See also:
I think you just need this :
If you include richfaces, you can use rich jsFunction component to call action method of you backing bean you can see;jsessionid=168EE2D49DC8BB1BA781B1C880B4B511?c=jsFunction&tab=usage
with this, you can call javascript function pressOK()