I have been looking through several websites on the Internet and actually wanted to know how do we write specification in a .x file to generate equivalent functions in .c file for RPC. Every site I visited suggested to use following kind of specification in *.x file:
program ADD_PROG {
version ADD_VERS {
int ADD(intpair) = 1;
} = 1;
} = 0x23451111;
So, to understand practically, I obtained gm_protocol.x from an open-source project known as ganglia and generated equivalent C source code (gm_protocol_xdr.c) and C header file (gm_protocol.h) using rpcgen.
[rohit@ganglia-server rpc]$ rpcgen -C gm_protocol.x
[rohit@ganglia-server rpc]$
[rohit@ganglia-server rpc]$ ll
total 24
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rohit rohit 5786 Oct 28 17:52 gm_protocol.h
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rohit rohit 3485 Oct 28 15:04 gm_protocol.x
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rohit rohit 8213 Oct 28 17:52 gm_protocol_xdr.c
To my surprise, from what I have learned and understood, gm_protocol.x doesn't contain any such RPC specifications shown as code above but still it can generate too many functions in the file gm_protocol_xdr.c.
It is pretty much sure that I am not able to understand the XDR specifications because either I have consulted wrong sources or they are outdated. I could not find any tutorial which could explain the way to generate functions (Although I have found specifications to generate struct, enum, union, etc).
Please help to learn these specifications.
Typically, from .x file you generate three 'groups' of code: message xdr encoder/decoder functions, client stub and server stub ( well, you can do it by hand as well, but it's too much work to get it right ). Run rpcgen with -a option too generate client, server sthus and an example implementation. Try to use a simple example first:
The specification
is a part of RPCL but XDR language. If one puts above specifications in a test.x file and run it usingrpcgen -C test.x
, then he/she would just getIf one doesn't need any server or client stubs and just need encoder and decoder functions of XDR then every specifications such as enum, struct, union, etc in the file gm_protocol.x would be generated into their equivalent C based declarations in gm_protocol.h and their corresponding XDR encoder and decoder functions would be generated in gm_protocol_xdr.c, which is the case specified in the question.
rpcgen -a gm_protocol.x
would generate gm_protocol_svc.c and gm_protocol_clnt.c without any functions.Below are some XDR specifications:
Check the old SUN docu http://www.shrubbery.net/solaris9ab/SUNWdev/ONCDG/toc.html