I'm trying to install TensorFlow on Windows.
I tried to install it with pip
, but I always get the same error message:
... is not a supported wheel on this platform.
I first tried it with Python 3.5.1, now I upgraded to 3.6.0b4, but it makes no difference.
Python 3.6.0b4 (default, Nov 22 2016, 05:30:12) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
pip 9.0.1 from ...\python\lib\site-packages (python 3.6)
To be exact, I tried the following two commands:
pip install --upgrade https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/windows/cpu/tensorflow-0.12.0rc0-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl
pip install --upgrade https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/windows/gpu/tensorflow_gpu-0.12.0rc0-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl
they output the following:
> tensorflow-0.12.0rc0-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.
> tensorflow_gpu-0.12.0rc0-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem? I'm not sure where I'm making a mistake.
Edit 1
Btw, I also tried pip install tensorflow
and pip install tensorflow-gpu
like suggested here. I got the following output:
> Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for tensorflow
> Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow-gpu (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for tensorflow-gpu
Windows batch file for installing TensorFlow and Python 3.5 on Windows. The issue is that as of this date, TensorFlow is not updated to support Python 3.6+ and will not install. Additionally, many systems have an incompatible version of Python. This batch file should create a compatible environment without effecting other Python installs. See REM comments for assumptions.
Be sure the above PATH is used when invoking TensorFlow.
On 2/22/18, when I tried the official recommendation:
pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow
I got this error
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow
But instead using
pip install --upgrade tensorflow
installed it ok. (I ran it from the ps command prompt.)
I have 64-bit windows 10, 64-bit python 3.6.3, and pip3 version 9.0.1.
Tensor flow has only support for python 2.7 3.4 3.5 Other python versions are not supported So you please install the supported python version and try it again. The official link is https://www.tensorflow.org/install/install_linux#InstallingAnaconda It provides how to install it with anaconda . This will help you
After searching a lot and trying to install and reinstall Python, i found the solution was very simple
use the following for windows
python -m pip install --upgrade https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/mac/cpu/tensorflow-0.12.0-py3-none-any.whl
change to following on mac
python3 -m pip install --upgrade https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/mac/cpu/tensorflow-0.12.0-py3-none-any.whl
for Anaconda use corresponding conda
Tensorflow indeed supports Python 3.6.X version, but only for 64-bit architecture. Here is the link where you can download Python 3.6.X 64-bit version
Same issue with you .
py3.6x win10 pro x64 pip 9.0.1
Issue message
"Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for tensorflow"
Maybe you can try py3.5