As in Convert month name into number, I want to use DateValue
to create a date from a date string. However, the string I have is guaranteed to be in U.S. format, while the PC executing the code is running on German locales.
Example: DateValue
fails for "10 Oct 2013 06:50:19"
, it would succeed for "10 Okt 2013 06:50:19"
since "October" is "Oktober" in German.
I.e. I need to get the date from a string in a country-specific date format that is different from the currert locale.
How can I do that without hardcoding an English-to-German month names translation table?
Also, the code should continue to work if the workstation executing the code is reconfigured for a different locale, so I am looking for a way to switch settings temporarily to get the U.S. date via DateValue
, then switch back to the original setting. Of course, that code should among Windows flavours be portable...
The code currently having this problem is shown below. It tries to get a specific server´s system time by peeking into the http header. It fails if the current (short) month name in English is different in German.
Public Function GetServerTimeFromUrl (ByVal Url,ByRef DT)
Dim HttpRequest: Set HttpRequest = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHttp")
HttpRequest.Open "GET" , Url, false
Dim Result: Result=(HttpRequest.Status = 200)
If Result then
Dim DateS: DateS=HttpRequest.getResponseHeader ("Date")
DateS=Right (DateS,Len (DateS)-InStr (DateS,",")-1)
' DateS has weekday removed
DateS=Left (DateS,InStrRev (DateS," ")-1)
' DateS has timezone removed
' DateS now holds something like "09 Sep 2013 11:49:54"
Dim ServerTimeGMT: ServerTimeGMT=DateValue (DateS)+TimeValue (DateS)
Dim Delta: Delta=CreateObject("WScript.Shell").RegRead("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation\ActiveTimeBias")
' Delta now holds "skew" value for time zone including DST
DT=DateAdd("n", -Delta,ServerTimeGMT)
End If
End Function
You can use
to change the locale:This should work on a German system with a US date
Or the other way around; a German date on a US system