ok have a list of 84000 words , and have some articles in these articles i want to replace first occurrence of each word i have in listbox e.g
For Each item In ListBox1.Items
Dim mytext As String = "My some text this text is very long text and i want to replace this"
If ListBox1.Items.Contains(mytext) Then
mytext = Replace(mytext, mytext, "String to replace",Count:=1)
End If
but it used to replace the whole mytext i want to replace words in mytext and also it hang the system and very very slow and help or idea please
It looks like you want to replace everything with the same string, but the code below is easily adaptable to other cases but I go with it for now.
To simplify I am assuming that you want to replace words and the words are only seperated by spaces (' ').
First make a dictionary out of the Items in the listbox:
Then get yourself all words:
and a word-transform:
then transform the words and concatenate them again with ' ':
and you should be done.
If you want to replace with separate words just make the dictionaries values your replacement and switch the mapWords-function with