I wrote a python script with combines images in unique ways for an OpenGL shader. The problem is that I have a large number of very large maps and it takes a long time to process. Is there a way to write this in a quicker fashion?
import numpy as np
map_data = {}
image_data = {}
for map_postfix in names:
file_name = inputRoot + '-' + map_postfix + resolution + '.png'
print 'Loading ' + file_name
image_data[map_postfix] = Image.open(file_name, 'r')
map_data[map_postfix] = image_data[map_postfix].load()
color = mapData['ColorOnly']
ambient = mapData['AmbientLight']
shine = mapData['Shininess']
width = imageData['ColorOnly'].size[0]
height = imageData['ColorOnly'].size[1]
arr = np.zeros((height, width, 4), dtype=int)
for i in range(width):
for j in range(height):
ambient_mod = ambient[i,j][0] / 255.0
arr[j, i, :] = [color[i,j][0] * ambient_mod , color[i,j][1] * ambient_mod , color[i,j][2] * ambient_mod , shine[i,j][0]]
print 'Converting Color Map to image'
return Image.fromarray(arr.astype(np.uint8))
This is just a sample of a large number of batch processes so I am more interested in if there is a faster way to iterate and modify an image file. Almost all the time is being spent on the nested loop vs loading and saving.
Vectorised-code example -- test effect on yours in
While your code seems to loop just over RGBA[x,y], let me show a "vectorised"-syntax of a code, that benefits from
matrix-manipulation utilities ( forget the RGB/YUV manipulation ( originally based on OpenCV rather than PIL ), but re-use the vectorised-syntax approach to avoid for-loops and adapt it to work efficiently for your calculus. Wrong order of operations may more than double yours processing time.And use a test / optimise / re-test loop for speeding up.
For testing, use standard python
resolution is enough.Go rather for
if you need going into[usec]
resolution.In your case, using
dtype = numpy.int
, guess it shall be faster toMUL
first byambient[:,:,0]
and finallyDIV
to normalisearr[:,:,:3] /= 255
So how it may look in your algo?
One need not have Peter Jackson's impressive budget and time once planned, spanned and executed immense number-crunching over 3 years in a New Zealand hangar, overcrowded by a herd of SGI workstations, as he was producing "The Lord of The Rings" fully-digital mastering assembly-line, right by the frame-by-frame pixel manipulation, to realise that miliseconds and microseconds and even nanoseconds in the mass-production pipe-line simply do matter.
So, take a deep breath and test and re-test so as to optimise your real-world imagery processing performance to levels that your project needs.
Hope this may help you on this: