I am unable to send html text in mail using nodemailer.
exports.send = function(req, res) {
var mailOptions = {
to: req.query.email,
subject: req.query.sub,
text: 'Date of Interview: ' + req.query.dateOfInterview+ 'Time of Interview: ' + req.query.timeOfInterview + '' + req.query.assignedTechnicalPerson + '' + req.query.typeOfInterview + '' + req.query.interviewLocation
smtpTransport.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log("Message sent: " + response.message);
I am getting mail as continuous text without any line space How can i send the same text using html tags in it i have also tried keeping html and end up getting lots of errors
Please say me correct syntax
Any help is appreciated
Here is the working code with nodemailer latest version.
Note: To give access for smtp do the following: