I am working in OSX 10.11
I am trying to setup PHPUnit , MAKEGood and Xdebug with Eclipse .
XDebug is Done . I can Run PHPUnit tests form the console .
But now configuring MakeGood is lot more harder than i expected .
MY PHP Executables
Do i have to add pear in Eclipse->Preferences->PHP->Libraries
?? i am not sure because i installed PHPUnit using Brew.
brew install homebrew/php/phpunit
But again i tried to include PEAR .
I gave the path as usr/local/bin
because when i try which pear
in terminal it will output as
And in my project properties under PHP-> include path i added the above PEAR library .
still from Makegood the error comes as
PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase class is not available. Fix..
I tried a lot of things , Ex:-
reinstalling pear
rm .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core.index.sql.h2/*
restart Eclipse
Restart Computer
change pear library path
Actually i am not sure what i am doing wrong . Even i am not sure i need the pear library .
Any help is appreciated . Thanks in advance .
MakeGood and Composer need some fiddling to get them to work see
You might want to
More recent PHPUnit releases are optionally done with composer.
First install composer:
See https://phpunit.de/manual/current/en/installation.html
then install phpunit
now test from the command line
using the MakeGoodTest.php file below. The result should be:
Recent MakeGood releases support the user of the composer installed phpunit.
In your Eclipse project create a project "makegood" that contains your composer installation, test/MakeGoodTest.php, MakeGoodPreload.php and phpunit.xml.
Right click properties of the project and go to the "MakeGood" tab. in the PHPUnit tab add phpunit.xml and in the General Tab set the Preload Script to MakeGoodPreload.php.
Now you should be able to open MakeGoodTest.php in the editor and right click to get "Run Tests in class ...".
running it should give you: