i'm writing a delphi 2009 app that uses a TTreeView on a docking panel.
i saw i could make big simplifications in my app if i subclassed the TTreeNode. the tree view it's on is placed on a docking panel.
// remember some stuff
procedure TfraInfoTree.tvInfoCreateNodeClass(Sender: TCustomTreeView;
var NodeClass: TTreeNodeClass);
i think i've hit a wall though...each "TInfoTreeNode" instance needs to remember things about itself. since the handles are freed when the panel containing the TTreeView auto-hides, the classes are destroyed.
that's a problem because then everything the classes knew is then forgotten.
is there a way around this (other than reloading every TInfoTreeNode from the database again)?
thank you!
Having looked at TCustomTreeView.DestroyWnd like Joe Meyer proposes, I would suggest you revert to using the TreeNode.Data property, and store a reference to objects of a new class inheriting from TObject directly. The OnDeletion event of the TreeView offers a good spot to put the destruction code: "TMyObject(Node.Data).Free;"
Usage is pretty similar except you'll need to use "TMyObject(Node.Data)" instead of "TMyNode(Node)". A warning though: experience has taught me to pay close attention not to forget the ".Data" part, since "TMyObject(Node)" will not throw a compile error and raise access violations at run-time.
thank you all for your replies!
i have for 10 years been using the tree view using TTreeNode's data property. i wanted to be free of:
i have used the Data property for an ID number in the past as well.
today, my nodes have GUIDs to find their data in the database so they don't "fit" into the Data property anymore.
using a descendant of TTreeNode seems to have addressed my wishes nicely but in order to make that work nicely i had to do a few things:
here's the code:
very cool...it meets all my objectives!
to add a node to the tree, all i need to do is:
the problem is caused by the wrong implementation of your custom TreeNode - it doesn't preserve its information when the TreeView's parent window gets recreated after it has been hodden. As a solution, create a TTreeView descendant and override its DestroyWnd method, to preserve your custom values. For example, take a look at how the TCustomTreeView.DestroyWnd method is implemented.
IIRC, the
property on each TTreeNode instance is preserved through the handle rebuild.You could either use this as an index into a List containing objects with additional information, or use type-casting to store an object reference and access the objects directly.