The right approach to update complex JTables, Tabl

2019-07-20 02:18发布

My GUI shows the vehicles in my park, and vehicles that I want to set availables in two different VehicleTables (classes that extend JTable). For availables I intend that these vehicles can be observed from an agent (third-part software). Both the tables show the descriptions of Vehicles in the rows...for this I have created VehicleTableModel and Vehicle classes. The Vehicle class is an abstract class and his subclasses are: Car, Truck, Trailer, etc. .

You can see a snapshot of my software: enter image description here

My problems are these: In my current implementation I don't think of manage really good the updates of the rows. You can see in VehicleTableModel (fire...() methods) and in ShipperAgentGUI (coordinators and listeners). I think I have partially resolved this problem with the use of the Coordinator inner class for the updates between tables, but I don't know how optimize these. For example in case of delete or update of a row I make xxxTable.repaint(); ... the WHOLE table...

...another way?

public class ShipperAgentGUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener {

    // Graphics variables..
    // bla bla...

    // Headers, TableModels, JTables for the tables
    private COLUMNS[] availablesModelHeader = {COLUMNS.IMAGE_COLUMN, COLUMNS.TARGA_COLUMN,

    private VehicleTableModel parkModel = new VehicleTableModel(parkModelHeader);
    private VehicleTableModel availablesModel = new VehicleTableModel(availablesModelHeader);

    private VehicleTable parkTable;
    private VehicleTable availablesTable;

    // My third-part software, a JADE agent:
    protected ShipperAgent shipperAgent;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------


    ShipperAgentGUI(ShipperAgent agent) {

        shipperAgent = agent; // valorizes the agent

        setTitle("Shipper Agent: "+agent.getLocalName()+" GUI");

        // graphic bla bla...

        // Park Table and Available Table:
        parkTable = new VehicleTable(parkModel);
            // bla bla...
        availablesTable = new VehicleTable(availablesModel);
            // bla bla...

        // JButtons: add/remove vehicle in Park Table and Available Table
        btnPM_plus = new JButton();
            btnPM_plus.setToolTipText("Add vehicle");

        // similar things for other three buttons:
        // remove from parkTable, add and remove from availablesTable

        //bla bla...

        // Data from agent:
        Vector<Vehicle> veicoli = shipperAgent.getVehicles();
        Iterator<Vehicle> I = veicoli.iterator();
        while (I.hasNext()){


    // Methods:

    public void showGui() {
        // bla bla

    // actionPerformed method

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        switch (e.getActionCommand()) {
        case "+park": {
            new InsertVehicleJDialog(this, parkCoordinator);
        } break;

        case "-park": {
            int selectedRow = parkTable.getSelectedRow();
            if (selectedRow != -1)
                removeVehicle(parkCoordinator, selectedRow);
        } break;

        case "+available": {
            int selectedRow = parkTable.getSelectedRow();
            if (selectedRow != -1){
                addVehicle(availablesCoordinator, parkModel.getVehicleAt(selectedRow)); 
        } break;

        case "-available": {
            int selectedRow = availablesTable.getSelectedRow();
            if (selectedRow != -1)
                removeVehicle(availablesCoordinator, selectedRow);
        } break;

    // Add/Remove vehicle methods:

    void addVehicle(Coordinator coordinator, Vehicle v) {

    // mhm...
    void removeVehicle(Coordinator coordinator, Vehicle v) {
        int row = coordinator.indexOf(v);
        if (row!=-1)

    void removeVehicle(Coordinator coordinator, int index) {

    // on dispose, delete the agent
    public void dispose() {


    protected abstract class Coordinator {
        private VehicleTableModel tableModel;

        public Coordinator(VehicleTableModel tm) {
            tableModel = tm;

        public abstract void notifyAndAddRow(Vehicle vehicle);
        public abstract void notifyAndDeleteRow(int rowIndex);
        public abstract void notifyRowUpdated();

        public int indexOf(Vehicle v) {
            return tableModel.indexOf(v);

        boolean vehicleExists(Vehicle vehicle){
            int bool = indexOf(vehicle);
            if (bool==-1) return false;
            else return true;

    // Coordinator for parkTable
    Coordinator parkCoordinator = new Coordinator(parkModel) {

        public void notifyAndAddRow(final Vehicle vehicle) {
            if (!vehicleExists(vehicle)){ // is this the right control? Or in VehicleTableModel ?

                SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        if (vehicle.getState().equals(Stato.DISPONIBILE))
                            // or with availablesCoordinator.notifyAndAddRow(vehicle) ?
                            // or with addVehicle(availablesCoordinator, vehicle) ?
                            // or with a kind of listener on vehicle's state ?

        public void notifyAndDeleteRow(final int rowIndex) {
            final Vehicle v = parkModel.getVehicleAt(rowIndex);

            removeVehicle(availablesCoordinator, v); // Remove also from the "availables"


            SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {

        public void notifyRowUpdated() {
            parkModel.addTableModelListener(new TableModelListener() {
                public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) {
                    switch (e.getType()) {
                        case (TableModelEvent.DELETE):
                        case (TableModelEvent.UPDATE):
                            int row = e.getLastRow();
                            Vehicle v = parkModel.getVehicleAt(row);
                            if (v.getState().equals(Stato.DISPONIBILE)){
                                addVehicle(availablesCoordinator, v);
                            } else
                                removeVehicle(availablesCoordinator, v);

    // Coordinator for availablesTable
    Coordinator availablesCoordinator = new Coordinator(availablesModel) {

        public void notifyAndAddRow(final Vehicle vehicle) {
            if (!vehicleExists(vehicle)){ // is this the right control? Or in VehicleTableModel ?

                SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {

        public void notifyAndDeleteRow(final int rowIndex) {
            Vehicle v = availablesModel.getVehicleAt(rowIndex);
            if (v!=null){
                v.setStato(Stato.NON_DISPONIBILE); // mhm

                SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {

        public void notifyRowUpdated() {
            availablesModel.addTableModelListener(new TableModelListener() {
                public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) {
                    switch (e.getType()) {
                    case (TableModelEvent.DELETE):
                    case (TableModelEvent.UPDATE):


public class VehicleTableModel extends AbstractTableModel {

    private ArrayList<Vehicle> vehicles ;
    private COLUMNS[] header;

    // possible column names:
    public enum COLUMNS {

    // Constructor:

    public VehicleTableModel(COLUMNS[] headerTable) {
        this.vehicles = new ArrayList<Vehicle>();
        this.header = headerTable;

    // obligatory override methods (from AbstractTableModel):

    public int getColumnCount() {
        return header.length;

    public int getRowCount() {
        return vehicles.size();

    public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
        Object value = "?";
        Vehicle v = vehicles.get(row);
        if (v!=null) {
            COLUMNS column = header[col];
            switch (column) {
                case IMAGE_COLUMN:
                    value = VehicleUtils.findImageByColumnCarType(v.getType());
                case TARGA_COLUMN:
                    value = v.getPlate();
                case CAR_TYPE_COLUMN:
                    value = VehicleUtils.findStringByColumnCarType(v.getType());
                // other cases... bla bla...
        return value;

    // My methods:

    public void addRow(Vehicle vehicle) {
        fireTableRowsInserted(0, getRowCount()); // is right?

    /*public boolean removeRow(Vehicle vehicle) {
        boolean flag = vehicles.remove(vehicle);
        fireTableRowsDeleted(0, getRowCount()); // is right?
        return flag;

    public void removeRow(int row) {
        fireTableRowsDeleted(row, row); // is right?

    public Vehicle getVehicleAt(int row) {
        return vehicles.get(row);

    public int indexOf(Vehicle v){
        return vehicles.indexOf(v);

    // found the corresponding column index
    public int findColumn(COLUMNS columnName) {
        for (int i=0; i<getColumnCount(); i++)
            if (columnName.equals(header[i])) 
                return i;
        return -1;

    // a value in that column exist in the table?
    private boolean controllIfExist(Object value, int col) {
        boolean bool = false;
        for (int i=0; i<getRowCount();i++){
            if (value.equals(getValueAt(i, col))){
        return bool;

    public int getColumnIndex(COLUMNS column){
        for(int i=0;i<header.length;i++){
            if (column.equals(header[i])){
                return i;
        return -1;

    // other methods (from AbstractTableModel) to override:

    public Class<?> getColumnClass(int col) {
        Class<?> c;
        COLUMNS column = header[col];
        if (column.equals(COLUMNS.IMAGE_COLUMN))
            c = ImageIcon.class;
        else if (column.equals(COLUMNS.STATE_COLUMN))
            c =  JComboBox.class;
        else c = super.getColumnClass(col);
        return c;

    public String getColumnName(int col) {
        COLUMNS column = header[col];
        if (column.equals(COLUMNS.IMAGE_COLUMN))
            return " ";
        else if (column.equals(COLUMNS.TARGA_COLUMN))
            return "Targa";
        // others... bla bla...
        return super.getColumnName(col);

    public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) {
        return true;

    public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) {
        Vehicle v = vehicles.get(row);
        boolean flag = false;
        if (v!=null) {
            COLUMNS column = header[col];
            switch (column) {
                case TARGA_COLUMN:
                    if (!v.getPlate().equals(value)){
                        if (!controllIfExist(value, col)){  // mhm...
                            v.setPlate((String) value);
                            flag = true;
                case MARCA_COLUMN:
                    if (!v.getMark().equals(value)){
                        v.setMark((String) value);
                        flag = true;

                // others ... bla bla...
            // update ONLY if necessary:
            if (flag) fireTableRowsUpdated(row, row); // is right?

2楼-- · 2019-07-20 03:03

The whole matter starts at TableModel implementation, so let's take a look to it:

public class VehicleTableModel extends AbstractTableModel {

    private ArrayList<Vehicle> vehicles;

    // Most of your code here, didn't examine it closer though

    public void addRow(Vehicle vehicle) {
        int rowIndex = vehicles.size();
        fireTableRowsInserted(rowIndex, rowIndex); // just notify last row == vehicles.size() == getRowCount()

    public void removeRow(int row) {
        fireTableRowsDeleted(row, row); // is right? yes, it looks ok.

    public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) {
        Vehicle v = vehicles.get(row);
        if (v != null) {
            COLUMNS column = header[col];
            switch (column) {
                case TARGA_COLUMN:...; break;
                case MARCA_COLUMN:...; break;
                // others...
            fireTableCellUpdated(row, column); // this is the appropriate fire method.

     * Convenience method to notify if a vehicle was updated in 
     * the outside, not through setValueAt(...).
    public void notifyVehicleUpdated(Vehicle vehicle) {
        Vehicle[] elements = (Vehicles[])vehicles.toArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
            if (elements[i] == vehicle) {
                fireTableRowsUpdated(i, i);


Some other hints:

  • Never use repaint() nor updateUI() to refresh table's data. It's table model responsibility to notify the view about the right event.

  • Never use fireTableDataChanged() (as someone suggested) unless the whole table model data has changed. There are appropriate fireXxxx() methods for rows, columns and cells changes.

  • As far as I understand the problem, both tables share the vehicles list and thus you have to keep them in synch. If so, I'm wondering why do you need two different table models? If the only reason is the status available/parked (mutually exclusive) then you can have a single table model shared along two tables and apply different filters accordingly to the vehicle's status. On status field update, both tables will be notified and vehicle will be transferred from one table to another.


Some time ago in a comment to this answer the idea of adding a method such as notifyRowUpdated() to Coordinator abstract class seemed to be appropriated to solve the synchronization matter between both tables.

But now I think the best approach is sharing the same table model along with the two tables and filtering the second table based on vehicle's status: if available (DISPONIBILE) then show it, if not then hide it.

This way on both row update and row delete both tables will be notified and will act accordingly. On cell update we can add a TableModelListener to the model that applies a filter on second table, showing available vehicles and hidding non available ones. Not to mention that Coordinator abstract class will remain simple and keep its original purpose: notify the third-party agent on row updates/deletes.

So please take a look to the code example below (sorry for the extension). Some notes:

  • I have emulated your Vehicle class with a simpler one. Status is defined by available a boolean property.
  • DataObjectTableModel code is available in tag wiki and I've used this class to emulate your table model.
  • Because I don't have any Coordinator class I add/remove rows directly on the table model, but you should do that hrough the appropriate coordinator.
  • Don't know why we have to re-apply filters on table cell update events. As far as I understand the table row sorter should be notified and automatically apply filters. However it doesn't work in this way and we have to manually re-apply fitlers. Minor problem though.

Code example

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.DefaultRowSorter;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTable;
import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel;
import javax.swing.RowFilter;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent;
import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener;
import javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel;

public class DemoSharedTableModel {

    private DataObjectTableModel<Vehicle> model;
    private JTable table1, table2;
    private Action addAction, removeAction;

    private void createAndShowGui() {

        String[] columnIdentifiers = new String[] {

       model = new DataObjectTableModel<Vehicle>(Arrays.asList(columnIdentifiers)) {

            public Class<?> getColumnClass(int columnIndex) {
                switch (columnIndex) {
                    case 0:
                    case 1: return String.class;
                    case 2: return Boolean.class;
                return super.getColumnClass(columnIndex);

            public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
                return columnIndex == 2;

            public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
                Vehicle vehicle = getDataObject(rowIndex);
                switch (columnIndex) {
                    case 0 : return vehicle.getPlates();
                    case 1: return vehicle.getDescription();
                    case 2: return vehicle.isAvailable();
                        default: throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(columnIndex);

            public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
                if (columnIndex == 2) {
                    Vehicle vehicle = getDataObject(rowIndex);
                    fireTableCellUpdated(rowIndex, columnIndex);
                } else {
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported for column " + columnIndex);

        model.addRow(new Vehicle("AAA1", "Car - Peugeot", true));
        model.addRow(new Vehicle("AAA2", "Truck - Volvo", true));
        model.addRow(new Vehicle("AAA3", "Car - Ford", false));
        model.addRow(new Vehicle("AAA4", "Car - Mercedes-Benz", false));
        model.addRow(new Vehicle("AAA5", "Car - Ferrari", true));

        model.addTableModelListener(new TableModelListener() {
            public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) {
                if (e.getType() == TableModelEvent.UPDATE) {

        table1 = new JTable(model);

        table2 = new JTable(model);
        // Make third column not visible
        TableColumnModel columnModel = table2.getColumnModel();


        addAction = new AbstractAction("+") {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                model.addRow(new Vehicle("new", "default text", true));

        removeAction = new AbstractAction("-") {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                int viewIndex = table1.getSelectedRow();
                if (viewIndex != -1) {
                    int modelIndex = table1.convertRowIndexToModel(viewIndex);
                setEnabled(model.getRowCount() > 0);

        JPanel buttonsPanel = new JPanel();
        buttonsPanel.add(new JButton(addAction));
        buttonsPanel.add(new JButton(removeAction));

        JPanel content = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(8, 8));
        content.add(new JScrollPane(table1), BorderLayout.WEST);
        content.add(buttonsPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        content.add(new JScrollPane(table2), BorderLayout.EAST);

        JFrame frame = new JFrame("Demo");

    private void applyFilterOnSecondTable() {
        DefaultRowSorter sorter = (DefaultRowSorter)table2.getRowSorter();
        sorter.setRowFilter(new RowFilter() {
            public boolean include(RowFilter.Entry entry) {
                Vehicle vehicle = model.getDataObject((Integer)entry.getIdentifier());
                return vehicle.isAvailable();

    class Vehicle {

        private String plates, description;
        private Boolean available;

        public Vehicle(String plates, String description, Boolean available) {
            this.plates = plates;
            this.description = description;
            this.available = available;

        public String getPlates() {
            return plates;

        public void setPlates(String plates) {
            this.plates = plates;

        public String getDescription() {
            return description;

        public void setDescription(String description) {
            this.description = description;

        public Boolean isAvailable() {
            return available;

        public void setAvailable(Boolean available) {
            this.available = available;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                new DemoSharedTableModel().createAndShowGui();


Note that in second table only available vehicles are displayed.

enter image description here

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