Interesting question, I've dabbled with manipulating PE files but never noticed that.
Here's what I believe they are used for: A ROM image can be executed 'in place' (XIP), if you search MSDN for "rom image", you'll find a number of references to it in the Windows Mobile and older Windows CE tools, e.g. Rom Image Creation.
A ROM image can thus be executed directly from the ROM without having to load and relocate it in RAM, which is pretty handy for a mobile device with limited resources.
Interesting question, I've dabbled with manipulating PE files but never noticed that.
Here's what I believe they are used for: A ROM image can be executed 'in place' (XIP), if you search MSDN for "rom image", you'll find a number of references to it in the Windows Mobile and older Windows CE tools, e.g. Rom Image Creation.
A ROM image can thus be executed directly from the ROM without having to load and relocate it in RAM, which is pretty handy for a mobile device with limited resources.