I'm looking for some applications or websites that minimize css and js files. Ideally, they could batch them all or if not, one at a time.
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If you don't mind using Perl as part of your build process, JavaScript:: and CSS::Minifier work pretty well.
you can try the free tools from Boryi
Basically what you are looking is to speed up your site by reducing the size of the response.
The other thing apart from minified js and css files is you can do a http compress. Please go through this and this.
YUI compressor is great.
Another tool (and my weapon of choice due to its PHP-ness) is the PHP5-based Minify project hosted on Google code. If you're on a PHP platform consider it. Rather than running your stuff through a service after the fact, you install and configure this on your webserver once and then code and comment as much as you want and minify will rebuild (reminify) your CSS and/or Javascript on the fly. Yeah. I've used it, works great!!
Or try this: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/CombineAndMinify.aspx
Microsoft released their Microsoft Ajax Minifier on codeplex today. Includes an MS build task and everthing inside VS 2005/2008