I'm trying to figure out how to join two strings that are encoded Base64 and then decode and get the combined result.
string1 Hello --- string1 Base64 SGVsbG8=
string2 World --- string2 Base64 V29ybGQ=
If I join the base64 I get something that wont decode SGVsbG8=V29ybGQ=
I want the result to say: Hello World
I don't want only this example to work but rather something that will work with any string. This is a very simplified problem which is a step on an application I'm trying to write I'm stuck on.
I found a best way to do this, add plus between one string and other, and add ONE, and only ONE equals char ('=') at the end of string. The return will be "Hello>World", then remove the ">":
(Old way) In C# I do something like this: