I'm using the HTTP2 plugin for JMeter from Blazemeter and I'm unable to make the HTTP2 request follow the redirects. I tried checking the "Follow Redirects" box and "Synchronized Request" and it doesn't work.
I get the Response code: 301 & Response message: HTTP/2.0 301 Moved Permanently and the location where it should redirect in the Response headers => "location".
I am trying to make a HTTP2 request to "www.aoro.ro" (GET https://www.aoro.ro/) which should redirect me to "https://www.notino.ro/" but does not follow the location it gets from the Reponse headers: HTTP/2.0 301 Moved Permanently location: https://www.notino.ro/ and I'm stuck with this response and cannot use assertions based on the redirects.
I also tried to use "HTTP Header Manager" and send all the headers from the browser. I read that HTTP2 version of HTTP protocol is asynchronous and this may interfere with the redirect.
Do you know anything regarding the Redirecting on JMeter with HTTP2 plugin?
After a deeper research about the blazemeter.jmeter.http2.sampler I found out that the HTTP2 sampler request does not have the followRedirects() method implemented in the HTTP2Request.class file.
To get to this file you have to extract files from jmeter-bzm-http2-1.4.jar file from lib.ext folder and the .class files will be in com\blazemeter\jmeter\http2\sampler folder. After this step you have to decompile HTTP2Request.class file (did it using the online tool : https://devtoolzone.com/decompiler/java) and open it using Notepad++ / Sublime or any other program to see the script.
So until a new version of this plugin is released, Follow Redirects/ Autoredirect will not work (no implementation of it)
I confirm it's a bug of HTTP2 Request that I reported here (as there is no issue reporting in their github):
What you can do is handle it yourself using Regular Expression Extractor:
And add it like this:
Then use ${REDIRECT} in path field of another HTTP2 Request: