I got the app working fine then went to submit to the app store and discovered this thing called the sandbox :-p
I have been reading the documentation and developer forums, but I cant figure out specifically what entitlement I need to add to get this working:
let task = NSTask()
task.launchPath = "/bin/bash"
task.arguments = ["-c",
"defaults write com.apple.screencapture type gif;killall SystemUIServer"]
I've thought perhaps com.apple.screencapture
and com.apple.security.temporary-exception.shared-preference.read-write
as BOOLEAN YES might do the trick, but unfortunately not
Do it without NSTask and without the shell:
For defaults write use
and add the domain you'd like to modify (eg. com.apple.screencapture) and then useCFPreferencesSetValue()
and run an Applescript / send AppleEvents to terminate specific processes.As you see, both entitlements are temporary and you need good reasons to get them pass the review. Goal of sandbox is that apps don't interfere with other apps. Especially terminating SystemUIServer can be very intrusive.