I'm having an hard time trying to run my Django tests using PyCharm.
I did it easily in the past using a "python running configuration" in which I used manage.py
to run them, I was on OSX and using python 2.7, Django <= 1.7, Pycharm <= 4.
Now I'm on Linux Mint, I use Python 3.4.3, Django 1.8.2 and Pycharm 4.5.
I always used virtualenv to manage my projects.
Now by running "manage.py test" from Pycharm no tests are found (it prints "Empty test suite").
But tests exist, and if I run the command from the shell they get executed.
So I really don't understand what's going on.
I'm actually able to launch tests using "an hack" I created, but the problem is that Pycharm is not able to attach to the process in order to allow breakpoints in tests (which is one of the features I use the most!).
My "hack" is the following:
I created a python script with:
import subprocess
def main():
subprocess.call('./venv_activator.sh', shell=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
then a bash script (venv_activator.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source .ENV/bin/activate
python manage.py test myapp -p "*_tests.py" --noinput -v 2 --settings=settings.test
In practice the python script is used to create a "python running configuration" for Pycharm, then it activate the virtualenv and invokes the django test command.
ps: yes, I turned on "Django support" in PyCharm (and I configured the python interpreter under the virtualenv)
For my case it was because the names of my test methods didn't start with
. Renamed them, and PyCharm started to run them correctly.Using pycharm, you can directly run your tests by creating a test configuration. Create a configuration using Run>Edit Configuration. Add a config from Django tests , set the virtual env path , working directory(path to manage.py), Target module (like complete_project or a complete_project.app_name). Run the configuration , it will run the tests from the tests.py from corresponding module.
The problem is that PyCharm doesn't apply the given search pattern for test files (-p "*_tests.py"). It's a bug that has already been reported: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-15869
The solution has been to simply rename my files :P