I have database table:
DROP TABLE translation_en_lt;
CREATE TABLE translation_en_lt (
lt_translation WIDEMEMO BLOBBlockSize 102400 BLOBCompressionAlgorithm ZLIB BLOBCompressionMode 9
Which was generated using AbsManager (Absolute database manager, Delphi). It seem to be outdated however, and syntax is invalid for current MySQL. Then I have this data entry:
INSERT INTO translation_en_lt (lt_translation) values (MimeToBin('cABhAHMAaQBzAGw='));
The value for this row, as displayed correctly in the AbsManager, is pasislinkti
. However, base64_decode('cABhAHMAaQBzAGw=')
returns p�a�s�i�s�l
returns cGFzaXNsaW5rdGk=
How do I get 'pasislinkti' from MimeToBin('cABhAHMAaQBzAGw=')
? Does it have anything to do with the encoding, zlib (WIDEMEMO BLOBBlockSize 102400 BLOBCompressionAlgorithm ZLIB BLOBCompressionMode 9
I got comment saying:
14:24 VoVo64: guy: looks as if the base64 encoded data is actually UCS-2 little endian. decoding cABhAHMAaQBzAGw= to HEX results in 70 00 61 00 73 00 69 00 73 00 6c
But I have already tried iconv('UTF-16', 'UTF-8', base64_decode('cABhAHMAaQBzAGw='))
which resulted in:
Notice: iconv(): Detected an incomplete multibyte character in input string in /var/www/ssl/pp.php on line 2 pasis
I have also tried: mb_convert_encoding($u, 'UCS-2LE', 'UTF-8'), mb_convert_encoding($u, 'UCS-2', 'UTF-8')
; neither didn't work.
These are Base64 strings:
I think your data is being truncated somewhere. You should look for a MimeToText() function in your database system. I'd try to dump the data out to CSV and load that in MySQL using
. You will probably have to rewrite the table schemas by hand. The BLOBBlockSize.... appears to be for compression of this data. Your new table will take a little more space or you can look into using MySQL's Compress() function.Something like this should work: