I'm looking for a solution in order to "remove" the inference during a query launched on Sesame. I must use a "Native Java Store RDF Schema" repository and I have this query : I have an instance, a NamedIndividual, and I want the uri of the class whose instance it is :
<http://www.semanticweb.org/ontotest#myInstance> rdf:type ?uri .
FILTER (?uri rdf:type owl:Class)
The problem is that I get severals URI (whom the good URI) instead of one because of the inference. I get the superclasses of the ontology then there is no link with the class of the instance. How to obtain the right result without change the repository ?
It sounds like you're trying to return the most specific class(es) of which some individual is an instance. ThomasFrancart's answer explains how to disable inference, but you might not want to do that, because you might need inference to infer the most specific instance. For instance, you might have a class hierarchy with the relationship
and the data:
Then if you disable inference, you won't be able to know that John is a SeniorCitizen, even though it's a more specific class than Person. It sounds like you actually want to keep inference enabled, but to only return the most specific class(es). You can do that with a query like this:
This says to find those values of
such that:myInstance
is an element of?class
, but only where there's not?subclass
that's a subclass of?class
(other than?class
itself) to which:myInstance
also belongs. Note that an instance can have multiple most specific classes though.See:
Set the setIncludeInferred(false) on your Query object before executing it through the API to avoid using inferred statements.