the specific issue I am working on is enabling https with Google charts API, and a possible character limit when using php file_get_contents on a url string. Let me take you through what is going on. I have made good progress using some tutorials on the net, specifically to enable the https. I am using their 'basic method' from this tutorial:
I have a chart.php file with this code in it:
$url = urldecode($_GET['api_url']);
$image_contents = file_get_contents($url);
echo $image_contents;
I am calling this file from my main page, passing a 'test' Google chart URL (I have used many different ones) to it, which is 513 chars long:
$chartUrl = urlencode('|Jan|Feb|Mar|Jun|Jul|Aug|1:|100|75|50|25|0&chxt=x,y&chs=300x150&cht=lc&chd=t:60.037,57.869,56.39,51.408,42.773,39.38,38.494,31.165,30.397,26.876,23.841,20.253,16.232,13.417,12.677,15.248,16.244,13.434,10.331,10.58,9.738,10.717,11.282,10.758,10.083,17.299,6.142,19.044,7.331,8.898,14.494,17.054,16.546,13.559,13.892,12.541,16.004,20.026,18.529,20.265,23.13,27.584,28.966,31.691,36.72,40.083,41.538,42.788,42.322,43.593,44.326,46.152,46.312,47.454&chg=25,25&chls=0.75,-1,-1');
To display the image in my main page I am using this code:
<img src="<?php echo $chartUrl; ?>" />
The example $chartUrl string should display nothing. It will work fine until the $chartUrl string exceeds 512 characters in length (unencoded). For example if you use this string below (512 chars long):
$chartUrl = urlencode('|Jan|Feb|Mar|Jun|Jul|Aug|1:|100|75|50|25|0&chxt=x,y&chs=300x150&cht=lc&chd=t:60.037,57.869,56.39,51.408,42.773,39.38,38.494,31.165,30.397,26.876,23.841,20.253,16.232,13.417,12.677,15.248,16.244,13.434,10.331,10.58,9.738,10.717,11.282,10.758,10.083,17.299,6.142,19.044,7.331,8.898,14.494,17.054,16.546,13.559,13.892,12.54,16.004,20.026,18.529,20.265,23.13,27.584,28.966,31.691,36.72,40.083,41.538,42.788,42.322,43.593,44.326,46.152,46.312,47.454&chg=25,25&chls=0.75,-1,-1');
The chart should show up. The difference between the strings is one character. The 'real' Google chart API string that I will be using in the final version is about 1250 chars long.
So is this a limit on get_file_contents()? I have looked at cURL as an alternative, but its specifics go over my head. Can someone confirm the char limit, and if possible make some suggestions?
Many thanks, Neil
This is an awful lot of data to put in a GET string, and could be a server side limitation (Apache handling the request) as much as a client side one (file_get_contents sending the request).
I would look for an alternative way of doing this, e.g. by storing the long URL in a session variable with a random key:
and pass that random key in the URL:
Update: There does not seem to be a native length limit to
according to this question. This may well be a server issue.