Whenever a user visits a post, I have a simple function that triggers that simply adds +1 to a single custom field visit counter field for that post.
This means I can easily get the most visited posts of all time using a new WP_Query()
using the meta value to sort, but I can't for the life of me figure out a good way to only get the most visited posts from the last X days.
As I'm simply increasing the custom field of each post by 1, I understand that there is no reference to dates or anything, but I can't imagine a good coding solution to make that happen.
Is there a WordPress way to determine how many times a custom field changed over the last 7 days?
A solution would be to have a counter per-day.
Say you have a counter for today - let's call it
, and another one for tomorrow called10052016
. Then to get the views over the last 7 days, you just take the last 7 days' counters and add them together.An easier solution would possibly be to name these incrementally, so you have
and so forth.This would make it a lot easier to write a PHP function that would allow you to take say 000182 and the previous 6 counters.
Ranking top posts over the last 7 days would also be possible by calculating the value of the values:
x + (x-1) + (x-2) + (x-3) + (x-4) + (x-5) + (x-6)
I am not sure whether or not this is the most efficient solution.
You could also have a counter per day and a counter per week, that after 1 day subtracts the amount of views from the day 6 days back.
Try This way..