I am using the directive from accepted answer on Set focus on first invalid input in AngularJs form to accomplish this:
app.directive('accessibleForm', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, elem) {
// set up event handler on the form element
elem.on('submit', function () {
console.log("inside focus directive");
// find the first invalid element
var firstInvalid = elem[0].querySelector('.ng-invalid');
//if we find one, set focus
if (firstInvalid) {
As long as I do not use radios-inline the focus works. Please refer: http://jsfiddle.net/mutharasus/mu7y4k8f/
But if the first error happens to be on a radios-inline field the focus does not work. Please refer: http://jsfiddle.net/mutharasus/00jzbL6g/
I am not sure how to fix. Please help.
I think the problem is that the label of each radio has the '.ng-invalid' class, but not the radio input element itself, which comes afterwards anyway. Your query selector is inadvertently returning the label's element and then uselessly calling focus()' on it.
This is the element that focus is called on if the radio is invalid:
The labels for the other types of controls do not have the .ng-invalid class so they are not bothered by this problem.
I'm not familiar with these libraries, so the answer depends. Either improve the selector or change how the labels of the radio inputs are styled.
Here's a version of the jsFiddle that I've hacked to demonstrate that it's the selector that's preventing the focus from occurring. Just click submit without changing the form.
is adding theng-invalid
class to the field label instead of to each individual radio input.You could change that directive and implement your desired behaviour in your custom one (you would need to add ng-invalid to each radio input) or change the
directive to check if the invalid element is a label and, in that case, find the the first radio input associated to it:Although it may seem like the easiest solution, it does not look right for me to have that second query selector that depends so much on the structure of that specific directive, as if that changes then the
directive will be broken again.