I have a string formatted as either
Today 3:28AM
Yesterday 3:28AM
08/22/2011 3:28AM
What I need to do is somehow extract into a variable the date portion of my string, ie. 'Today', 'Yesterday' or a date formatted as DD/MM/YYYY.
Is something like this possible at all with Javascript?
Obviously "Today" and "Yesterday" can never be transformed back to a real numeric date, for now it seems that what are you trying to do here is to save it as "Today" and "Yesterday", right?
It appears that the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mmxx you specified is always separated by a space.
so you can just split the string into two, and save the first part as your date.
the javascript function: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_split.asp
As for how to transform from "Today" back to 26/09/2011 etc, you need to seek solution from the XML side.
Here is a similar question: Javascript equivalent of php's strtotime()?
Here is the linked article: http://w3schools.com/jS/js_obj_date.asp
And the suggested solution:
Since the JavaScript date parser won't recognize your dates, you can write a parser that puts the date into a format that it will recognize. Here is a function that takes the date examples that you gave and formats them to get a valid date string:
Then you can call stroToDate to convert your date formats to a valid JavaScript Date:
There are a couple of ways you could do this. I will offer 2 of them.
option1: If the day always at the beginning of the string you could capture the the first part by using a regular expression like
<- im not the best regex writer.option2: You could also do a positive look ahead if the time come immediately after the day (like your example above. Here is a link with the proper syntax for JS regex. http://www.javascriptkit.com/javatutors/redev2.shtml you can scroll down to lookaheads and see an example that should get you suared away there.