I am using the method answered here on StackOverflow to use custom police definition with other classes. This method is summarized below:
[class*=" icon-"]:before {
font-family: FontAwesome;
.icon-custom:before {
content: "\f0c4";
When I'm using a custom class to use it, I have to use the code generated by the library:
i:after {
content: '\f0c4';
In case this code f0c4
change in the library, I would like to avoid reporting the change in every custom class one by one. I decided to use Sass or Less to be able to deal with this problem.
It would be like below but it does not work.
i:after {
With Sass or Less, is it possible to avoid this magic number?
I know this will be possible:
i:after {
content: @custom-code-value
But I prefer to avoid changing the @custom-code-value: : "\f0c4";
Is it the only solution?
You can try to group all the content value in a map variable
I adapted for you an example
So you only have to maintain that $icons variable in case some values change. hope you get the idea.