In SSMS 2008 R2, I created a table:
aTest(Albnian varchar(10), Dflt varchar(10))
In SSMS table designer, both columns have the collation: "<database default>" (under "Column Properties" → "Table Designer")
I changed the collation of the column "Albnian" to a non-default, for example, Albanian_CI_AS.
If I script the table in SSMS (right click on "aTest" → "Script Tables as" → "CREATE To" → "New Query Editor Window", I get [1] with no explicit collations scripted at all.
Obviously, one would expect the table to be scripted with explicit collation for non-default collation (the one that the developer intentionally introduced with a specific purpose) and no collation for default collation.
In SSMS menu → Tools → Options → SQL Server Object Explorer → Scripting, I changed:
- Include collation: True
- Script defaults: False
but now, I am getting all column collations scripted, both default and non-default ones [2].
How can I configure script generation to script non-default collation and skip the default ones, as in [3]?
[1] Default scripting of table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[aTest]
[Albnian] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,
[Dflt] [varchar](10) NOT NULL
[2] Table script after "Include collation" changed to True
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[aTest]
[Albnian] [varchar](10) COLLATE Albanian_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[Dflt] [varchar](10) COLLATE Cyrillic_General_CI_AS NOT NULL
[3] Needed collation script generation behavior:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[aTest]
[Albnian] [varchar](10) COLLATE Albanian_CI_AS NOT NULL,
--non-default should be scripted
[Dflt] [varchar](10) NOT NULL
-- default database collation should not be scripted
Related question:
I submitted a suggestion through MS Connect:
Collations are scripted either for all columns or for none
Here's the related response: