Is it possible to create a TFS alert that notifies the user when the results of a certain query has changed?!
- I have a query which finds 10 work items as a result
- one of those work items has changed that it does not fulfill this query anymore (query results should be 9).
I would like a notification telling me that the results of the query has changed (also referring to the work item that has changed)
The other way around should be also valid, that a work item was modified to fulfill the query (query results should be 11).
There is no way to do this directly.
You may want to try creating a Notification, but you are going to struggle if your query is complicated.
You can try CatLight status notifier. It will show a notification on the desktop new work item matches the query or when this work item changes.
In addition, if you miss that notification, you can always see what changed on the dashboard:
The app currently will not notify you when work item stops matching the query, but you can create an inverse query to catch such changes.