My application crashes occasionally at customer machine after running for 3-4 days. Is it possible to attach the application to a debugger like ADplus automatically when the application starts? This is for generating the dump file whenever the application crashes.
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You may want to look at the
function.Since you want to use ADPlus I assume a windows only solution will do it.
In this case you could install a post mortem debugger. It will pop up as soon as your app crashes. I usually use windbg.
IMO you wouldn't have to attach to the debugger when the process starts. Windows would look for a debugger when the process terminates and the location is set AeDebug RegistryKey
On x86 computer it is
\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug
can be set as Postmortem debuggerI would have something like
cdb -iaec ".dump /ma /u crashedapp.dmp;q"
to get a memory dump when the process terminates.And if the OS is Vista SP1+ then registry can be configured to get a full memory dump using WER