I'm trying to store this value : țșșțșțșțșîăâ./,șllkoăîâ= into a column in SQL Server.
The column is nvarchar(1000) and the insert statement looks like
But the data inside is still showing up like : ?????????îaâ./,?llkoaîâ=
Any ideas on what I could try ?
I just realized that I had changed the datatype in the database , but the linq2sql mapping remained with varchar instead of nvarchar.
That's what was causing the issue - I only saw that after trying the manual insert.
Now, right click the table in Object Explorer, "Edit top 200 rows" or "SELECT TOP 1000 rows" gives correct results in SSMS 2008 for me
Next, without N prefix. Data is broken as per your question
So, this shows that SSMS and SQL are behaving exactly as advertised: please show us the exact code (or method) you are using to insert the data
How are you adding this to your table?? In Mgmt Studio??? What statement do you use??
If you have
columns, you must use theN'...'
syntax with the leadingN
prefix for this to work:If you omit the
prefix, Mgmt Studio will convert this to non-UnicodeVARCHAR