after reviewing a lot on the internet, I can not find a solution. I hope you understand me, my English is not the best ...
I want to authenticate against SQL Server with a valid user for the domain (active directory) which I get it from the login (username and password) of my application (old application). This user, which is logged into my application, is a user validated by Active Directory (LDAP) and is a member of a Group that has logging permissions on the SQL Server ("Domain \ Group_name").
So the problem is that if I use windows authentication (it works fine) I would be using the windows user and not the application user (it is not always the same user). On the other hand, if I use SQL Server authentication I have to create and maintain the passwords of these users separately from the domain ...
How do I authenticate to SQL Server with a user logged in to my application. User who is a member of a Domain Group, which has logging permission in SQL Server but is not always the user windows logued on?
Users: usr1 and usr2 both valid domain users
Usr1 is a member of the group that has access to SQL Server.
Usr2 is NOT a member of the SQL Server access group (can not log in).
I want to log in Windows with usr2 and in the application with usr1. Both with domain credentials.
Thanks in advance.
The only solution than i can find was the "runas", like SqlZim saw.