I have pretty common issue but for some reason i have tried all the suggestions on the web and none seem to work.
I have set the Timezone in config to 'EST'
config.time_zone = 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'
But when the time is shown on the the screen, it continues to show the UTC time that is stored in the DB. I tried the debugger and here is the output
(rdb:1) Time.zone
#<ActiveSupport::TimeZone:0x1061f4760 @utc_offset=nil, @current_period=nil, @name="Eastern Time (US & Canada)", @tzinfo=#<TZInfo::TimezoneProxy: America/New_York>>
(rdb:1) Order.first.placed_at
Fri Jan 01 15:00:00 UTC 2010
Update: Here is another user who has the same question Rails timezone is wrong when shown
Check that your
is true.If you want to set a different time zone for different users of your app, make sure you use an around_filter as opposed to a before filter to change Time.zone. Something to do with how Time.zone leaks over to other threads and thus other users may inheret a time zone that they shouldn't. From this blog post: http://ilikestuffblog.com/2011/02/03/how-to-set-a-time-zone-for-each-request-in-rails/
in application_controller.rb:
I also found it helpful to use the time_zone_select form helper method when allowing users to change their time zone. If you called your field :time_zone, you would use it like:
And lastly, this looks pretty awesome. Auto detect and set time zone via javascript. Here's the rails gem to add to the asset pipeline: https://github.com/scottwater/detect_timezone_rails and accompanying blog post: http://www.scottw.com/automated-timezone-detection
I think what you're describing is this bug - https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/6816
. For exampleIn your case, you want