There is a great implementation of the algorithm I am after here (by @lazy dog). However, I need this in c# and the conversion is not trivial due to C#'s lack of yield from
and perhaps my own thickheadedness.
Here is what I currently have:
public static IEnumerable<ArrayList> sorted_k_partitions(int[] seq, int k) {
var n = seq.Length;
var groups = new ArrayList(); //a list of lists, currently empty
IEnumerable<ArrayList> generate_partitions(int i) {
if (i >= n) {
// this line was the bug, was not creating a
// deep clone of the list of lists
// yield return new ArrayList(groups);
yield return new ArrayList(groups.ToArray().Select(g => ((List<int>)g).ToList()));
// Ugly but that is because we are using ArrayList
// Using proper List<List<int>> cleans this up significantly
else {
if (n - i > k - groups.Count)
foreach (List<int> group in new ArrayList(groups)) {
// yield from generate_partitions(i + 1);
foreach (var d in generate_partitions(i + 1)) {
yield return d;
group.RemoveAt(group.Count - 1);
if (groups.Count < k) {
groups.Add(new List<int> {seq[i]});
foreach (var d in generate_partitions(i + 1)) {
// things start breaking down here, as this yield return
// appears to release flow control and we then get the
// yield return above. I have debuged this and the python
// version and the python version does not do this. Very hard
// to explain considering I don't fully understand it myself
yield return d;
groups.RemoveAt(groups.Count - 1);
return generate_partitions(0);
// don't worry about the sorting methods in the python
// version, not needed
Can anyone see any obvious mistakes, I'm sure my lack of understanding of Python's yield from
and coroutines is hurting me here.
Edit: Found the bug, added comments above
What behaviour do you get here?
In my opinion
yield return generate_partitions(i + 1);
instead of the foreach loop should work fine. It will just call the function recursive with the new valuei+1
Ok so a good working solution I have come up with is here:
This is a bit faster than python as you would expect but still not great. I experimented with parallelisation but did not get too far. I also experimented by trying to remove some of the object creations and using Array.Copy instead. The mess that created was not worth the negligible performance improvements. I guess this is just slow because as numbers get bigger (say seq of 15-20 items) then the number of combinations is just enormous and no optimisations can help to make that into a more tractable problem.