I’m trying to make a html5 form that contains one email input, one check box input, and one submit input. I'm trying to use the pattern attribute for the email input but I don't know what to place in this attribute. I do know that I'm supposed to use a regular expression that must match the JavaScript Pattern production but I don't know how to do this.
What I'm trying to get this attribute to do is to check to make sure that the email contains one @ and at least one or more dot and if possible check to see if the address after the @ is a real address. If I can't do this through this attribute then I'll consider using JavaScript but for checking for one @ and one or more dot I do want to use the pattern attribute for sure.
the pattern attribute needs to check for:
- only one @
- one or more dot
- and if possible check to see if the address after the @ is a valid address
An alternative to this one is to use a JavaScript but for all the other conditions I do not want to use a JavaScript
Unfortunately, all suggestions except from B-Money are invalid for most cases.
Here is a lot of valid emails like:
Because of complexity to get validation right, I propose a very generic solution:
It checks if email contains at least one character (also number or whatever except another "@" or whitespace) before "@", at least two characters (or whatever except another "@" or whitespace) after "@" and one dot in between. This pattern does not accept addresses like lol@company, sometimes used in internal networks. But this one could be used, if required:
Both patterns accepts also less valid emails, for example emails with vertical tab. But for me it's good enough. Stronger checks like trying to connect to mail-server or ping domain should happen anyway on the server side.
BTW, I just wrote angular directive (not well tested yet) for email validation with
and without based on pattern above to support DRY-principle:Usage:
For B-Money's pattern is "@" just enough. But it decline two or more "@" and all spaces.
In HTML5 you can use the new 'email' type: http://www.w3.org/TR/html-markup/input.email.html
For example:
If the browser implements HTML5 it will make sure that the user has entered a valid email address in the field. Note that if the browser doesn't implement HTML5, it will be treated like a 'text' type, ie: